The Five Heartbeats Reunion

Featuring Robert Townsend, Leon, Tico Wells, Michael Write, Hawthorne James and Billy Valentine.Airing on the Monique Show Tuesday, July 19. at 11pm EST
video tribute to Leon’s David Ruffin

Leon from set of new movie Ex-Free

Leon behind the scenes I really Hate my Ex

Leon In Diary of a Single Mom

Diary of a Single Mom – Trailer (2011)

Je’Caryous Johnson’s Three Ways to Get a Husband

Disney’s Cool Runnings

Leon in “Bats”

Leon in The Brooklyn Heist

Leon and The Magnificent Five Heartbeats

Leon on set of Brooklyn Heist

Oz- Jefferson Keane, Afterlife

The Brooklyn Heist – Trailer 2008

Interview: Leon Robinson by Lorrie Irby Jackson

By: Lorrie Irby Jackson Contact: He’s been a stage and screen presence since the early ’80s, but …
Leon in Once Upon A Time When We Were Colored